Worried about CSS? Check out CSS Hero

How did I not know of this before?

I don't know how I ever missed this WordPress plugin, but tonight as I was browsing the web, I found a plugin that was amazing.

If you don't know, I fell Friday and broke my wrist, and so typing isn't a lot of fun right now. But that's not a big deal, because I decided to create a little video for you instead.

Just so I could show you this plugin, called CSS Hero.

Stop worrying about your CSS abilities

If you've ever been one of those folks that worries that you don't know enough CSS to make a site look like you want it to, you can stop stressing right about now.

Check out how CSS Hero works – using the theme I use – Make by Theme Foundry.

Spending $29 has never felt so good

I found it. I saw it. I tried it. And then, just like you might do, when I saw how easy it was, I bought it.

And I'll be honest with you. It reminded me of the day I bought Gravity Forms. I knew right away this would make a lot of my life a lot easier.

So go check it out – but only if you'd like to make your life easier. Much easier.