Why I bought 10 copies of The Impact Equation (even though I got my copy for free)
In just a few days, Chris Brogan & Julien Smith's new book, The Impact Equation, will be available everywhere. And while it's not a sequel to Trust Agents, if you read their first book together, you'll love this one. I received an advance copy because Chris Brogan wanted my personal opinion on it before it went to press. If you believe that, I have some real estate to sell you. But seriously, I was offered an advance copy for review and jumped at the chance. And even though I got it for free, I went and bought 10 copies.
Having an Impact
Those of you that have gone thru my course, Leveraging Trust (closed right now), know that much of my work with you is helping you become a Trusted Advisor. While the core of the material is based on fifteen years in start-ups, parts of my approach were shaped by two books, Trust Agents – by Chris & Julien, and the Trusted Advisor. Both books were filled with great information that rounded out some of my later steps in my 9-step program. And those books and my program are all about one thing: having an impact.
A Simple Equation
So you can imagine my surprise and joy when Chris & Julien, in the first chapter, reference the work of Charles Green (one of the authors of Trusted Advisor) as an influence on this latest book. And the influence was welcome. Much like Trusted Advisor, the Impact Equation lays out a simple equation to delivering impact. Of course by simple I mean simple to read and simple to understand. The work comes in implementing the material. But none of you are slackers, so I know you'll love the book. And if you read Platform, by Michael Hyatt, you'll love that it's complimentary while also being easier to embrace.
So why buy it when it was already free?
By now you're still wondering if this post is just a book review or if there is actually a reason that I bought 10 copies even though they had sent me a free one. And the answer is that there actually is a reason I did it, and now I'm going to tell you.
But before I do, let me just say that if you landed on my site because of my infographic on Sticky Teaching, you know how important I think Contrast is. I don't want to give away the details of the book, but let me just say that Contrast is a big part of their equation and for that reason alone, the book is worth buying—if you don't get a copy from me for free.
Get a Free Copy of Impact Equation
So here it is. As you know, I've been preparing my own follow up eBook to my last one on Virtual Teams. It's called “Done Done” and it's all about creating a culture that attracts and keeps high performers. It will appear on Amazon in just a matter of days. So what I've decided to do is this: for the first ten people that pick up a copy of “Done Done,” and write a review (on their blog, on Amazon, etc)—regardless of if it's a positive or negative review—I'm going to give you a copy of Chris & Julien's book—the Impact Equation—for FREE.
Now, if you don't feel like reading another Lema eBook—no worries. Let me leave you with this good tip. If you had to pick only two books this year to focus on, and to live out, in your quest to develop a broader base of followers or to have larger reach, or a more significant impact, then Platform & Impact Equation would be them. So head over to Amazon and pick them up right away!
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