I'll be honest. I'm already part of The Club.
Yup, I'm sitting in a plush leather chair, sipping on a nice beverage, and having an incredible intellectual discussion with a few peers.
I'm just waiting for my titanium membership card. Oh, and my t-shirt.
Are you part of The Club?
Like I said, I'm already part of the club, so maybe I'm biased. But I thought I would, while I'm sitting here, share with you five reasons why you should join me in here – and it's not because of the fine leather or my nice beverage. It's not even because of an upcoming t-shirt.
1. The author of this content is Brian Krogsgard.
I'm sure this may change down the road. But today, the guy behind The Club. is Brian. And I've read Brian's material for years. I've become friends with Brian over the last couple years, and in that time, I've had countless conversations with him.
He's smart. He's curious. And he's tenacious. So the content he writes allows the rest of us (me!) to relax and bit and let him do the work.
2. It's for WordPressers.
The Club is a bit like my United Red Carpet Club (now simply called United Club). I don't just join the Red Carpet Club for the nice leather chairs and quiet ambience. I join because the conversations I have inside are awesome. I meet the right kinds of people in there. Folks like me. And the same is true inside The Club.
3. It's Opinionated.
The content inside The Club isn't just the declaration of facts or the display of data. It's all opinionated. We hear Brian's take on things – and I like Brian's opinions. He has history in the community from being a WordCamp organizer, to being a News writer, to being a Freelancer, and working for a boutique Agency. Seriously, that's the pedigree of the person whose opinions I want to hear.
4. It's Curated.
You already know what I'm going to say. There's tons of news out there in the WordPress community. Some of it should be reported. Other bits of it probably shouldn't. And knowing what is newsworthy and what isn't is a perfect job for The Club. They curate all the news all the time. That means I don't need to follow tons of sites – I just need to step into The Club.
5. It's Inexpensive (but not cheap).
It's $99 for the year. Do the math – that's less than 2 Venti Skinny Vanilla Lattes a month. I pay three to four times that for nice leather chairs and interesting conversations with United's Club. So it only makes sense, at this price, to step into The Club.
Let's Have Some Fun
You know why I joined? Because my friends were already there. And I can't wait for Brian to add some additional components (in the future) that allow for easy conversations between members of The Club.
I'd like to have you there. I know you'll enjoy it.
So let's have some fun.
You write any tweet you want, however you want, with whatever words you want. It just has to link to this post.
I'll monitor which tweet gets the most RTs and that's the one I'll call the winner. The winner then gets a FREE year in The Club.
The rest of you that don't want to play the Twitter / RT game – feel free to head directly over to The Club.