Help, I'm losing money!
There's nothing worse than spending tons of time creating content for your membership site, only to see people share their logins and straight rob you. That's the story I got in an email two weeks ago (before my move started). I'm finally circling back to it today. And there's good news!
Here's how it normally works. One person buys a membership. They then pass their logins to others. Everyone then logs in, and since the credentials are valid, they're all let in. Not exactly what you were hoping for, right?
Protecting your WordPress Membership site
Building a membership site on WordPress is easier than not using WordPress, but that doesn't make it super easy. Issues like this – checking for duplicate logged-in users – can be frustrating and take some time to code.
After all, most plugins don't offer that as a baseline feature.
But what if there was a way to do it that was clean and simple? I noticed this feature on Shutterstock, where I buy my images. If I log in, they let me, but they sign me out elsewhere. Then, if I log in from another computer, they let me, but they log out the other account.
That's exactly the behavior I wanted. And when two of my WordPress friends were talking about writing a plugin in this realm, I was thrilled. I even got to participate in a few tweet sessions over the feature-set.
Andrew Norcross & Jason Coleman
The other day I mentioned that if you wanted to get help building a plugin, two of my favorite developers were Andrew Norcross and Jason Coleman. Well, guess what? They decided to collaborate – to solve this very problem.
The plugin is called WP Bouncer. And it does one thing – protects you from having multiple people logged in using the same credentials.
And guess what? It's free. Yes – you can download WP Bouncer right now and add it to your site right away. All you need to do is get it from the plugin repository.
So what are you waiting for?