I don't know if you have read or heard about Todd Nielsen before but he's got a passion for leadership that I admire and respect. So when he announced the second annual International Leadership blogathon, along with an invitation to apply to write for it, I couldn't skip the opportunity.
Much to my delight, I was accepted as one of the USA bloggers. So this March, which starts in just a few days, a group of leadership folks – experts, speakers, coaches and authors – are going to be publishing posts.
For the whole month, we'll read great tales and be challenged with wonderful leadership advice – from 41 writers from across the globe. Todd has not only selected the authors but he's been working with them for the past month on article topics, titles, and so much more – so I know the articles will be incredible.
I don't know what leadership gurus you like to read, but last year's blogathon brought so much more wisdom than you could get from any single blog or book. And this year I'm sure it won't disappoint.
My post is scheduled for this coming weekend, and it will be on Leadership in a Virtual Landscape. So make sure to visit http://www.ToddNielsen.com, but don't just wait until this weekend – start on Friday and keep heading there all month long.
March 1st | Lolly Daskal | USA |
March 2nd | Kate Nasser | USA |
March 2nd | Susan Bagyura | USA |
March 3rd | Dan Forbes | USA |
March 3rd | Chris Lema | USA |
March 4th | Brendan Howe | Canada |
March 5th | Dave Bradley | UK |
March 6th | Kar Fei | Malaysia |
March 7th | Joan De Winne | Belgium |
March 8th | Kai Roer | Norway |
March 9th | Ali Paskun | USA |
March 9th | Susan Thorn | USA |
March 10th | Susan Mazza | USA |
March 10th | Andy Phillips | Colombia |
March 11th | Heidi Alexandra Pollard | Australia |
March 12th | Lora Crestan | Canada |
March 13th | Ogwo David Emenike | Nigeria |
March 14th | Steve Nichols | UK |
March 15th | John Thurlbeck | UK |
March 16th | T. Hampton Hopkins | USA |
March 16th | Barry Smith | USA |
March 17th | Coleen Jolly | USA/UK |
March 17th | Ray Attiyah | USA |
March 18th | Janine Garner | Australia |
March 19th | Alli Polin | Austrailia |
March 20th | Frode Heimen | Norway |
March 21st | Kimunya Mugo | Kenya |
March 22nd | Maria Gardner | UK |
March 23rd | Tanvi Bhatt | India |
March 23rd | Rob Ryan | USA |
March 24th | Chris Young | USA |
March 24th | Jonathan Creaghan | Canada |
March 25th | Peter Sterlacci | Japan |
March 26th | William Powell | Finland |
March 27th | David Hain | UK |
March 28th | Sandro De Silva | Netherlands |
March 29th | Paul Jolicoeur | Canada |
March 30th | Allison Macintoshwright | UK |
March 30th | Richard Andrews | UK |
March 31st | Tom Shulte | USA |
March 31st | Todd Nielsen | USA |
I can't wait to take part with all of these great minds, as well as the thousands of readers to create a fantastic leadership event that helps enhance the world of leadership acumen, the world over.