I’ll be at these upcoming conferences, will you?

Will we see each other?

I just came back from two great conferences:

  • MicroConf: for bootstrapping companies in Las Vegas
  • WooConf: all things WooCommerce in Austin, Texas

The video from my talk in Paris just got posted, which is great news too. I got to meet a lot of new readers out there.

If we haven't connected in person yet, I'd love to meet.

Here are my upcoming conferences where I'll be speaking.

There's a rumor that I might speak at the Double Your Freelancing Conference in September, but I can only fuel the rumors.

Oh, and make sure you're getting tickets for the Digital Commerce Summit, this year in Denver (Oct 13-14), where I'll be speaking. It's put on by the folks at Rainmaker, which means you know it will be a top-quality event!

You know I tell stories, right…

If you've spent time on the blog much, or heard me in person, you know I tell stories.

And it's not like I'm running out or anything. But I would love to hear your story. And if it's compelling, guess what? You might hear a version of it in one of my upcoming talks.

I would love to share your story with folks.

So here's how you get your story told by me at one of my upcoming conferences:

  1. Draft it up on your computer or paper
  2. Come over to my contact form
  3. Check the “public speaking” checkbox
  4. Copy your story into the comment section and submit

I'll get them and review them. And if I pick your story, I'll let you know where and when I'll use it.

What topics am I looking for? Story prompts? Here you go:

  • That time you tried something new and it totally worked
  • That time you tried something new and it totally failed
  • That time you helped someone and realized you got so much out of it
  • That time you helped someone and it changed their life
  • The hardest thing you've struggled with in the WordPress world
  • The hardest thing you've struggled with in your own business
  • The best day of your life

I'll tell you right now, that I can't wait to read them. And I'll thank you in advance. Because I'll be touched simply because you shared them with me.

Do not put them in the comments below.