WordPress Membership Sites Keep Getting Better!


Two WordPress membership site announcements!

I don't normally do announcement posts but I've already written enough about these products for you to know that they're fantastic. If you've missed those, I'll get you some links. Today I just want to share some of the amazing goodness that's out there.

Use MemberPress for e-learning!

WP-Courseware now integrates with MemberPress!

I wrote about using WP Courseware in this article, but it explained how to use it with Paid Memberships Pro – another fantastic solution. The video below shows you a different integration.

I may have mentioned to the WP Courseware guys that I was a big fan of MemberPress, I don't know. But those guys are sharp over there and they went to work on an integration to make your e-learning sites that much easier to manage.

Paid Memberships Pro is even better!

Having just mentioned Paid Memberships Pro (which is free), I better tell you the other announcement. They rolled out a new release – their biggest ever!

There's a ton of notes, and I won't do it justice, but you can read all about the update from Jason Coleman.

What I care most about – so much that I invested in helping it come to fruition – is the new reporting that Jason has put into the product.

I have an upcoming article about membership metrics, that follows the post I wrote the other day. And to really do it justice, I needed some screens to show you what I wanted to talk about. So I contacted Jason and he was thrilled to put some of this into the product.

After all, he already had some cool reporting plans that you'll see soon enough.

There's no better time!

If you've been thinking about building an e-learning or membership site and were wondering if you should – there's really no better time. The products that are getting rolled out and being updated regularly are incredible.

I know their not the names you remember from a few years ago, but trust me, these are better products, built and maintained by better folks, and with much better support for integration and extensions – which is key, since you know you're not your average joe. You know you'll want some custom stuff thrown in.

So check out Paid Memberships Pro and MemberPress – both work well with WP-Courseware, if you need that too.