Chris Lema

Chris Lema

Chris Lema has been working with WordPress since 2005. Over the years he's been a blogger, a speaker at WordCamps, a coach for WordPress product companies, and the founder of the conference for WordPress business owners, called CaboPress. Today he's the VP of Products at Liquid Web, where he manages the world's first managed platform for WooCommerce stores.

Premature Optimization is a Timing Mistake

In the end, your success or failure is a combination of what you control (your decision making) and what you don’t (timing). Most people aren’t really great at decision making. But that’s something you can get better at. So let’s…

When The Wrong People Quit

The Trend of Quiet Quitting You’ve likely heard of quiet quitting – the dynamic where people don’t actually leave your company. Instead, they simply stop working as hard. They skate. They put in the absolutely minimum amount of work to…

The Case for Pruning

There are two things I know about pruning. Now, you should know that I actually shouldn’t use the word “know” as if I’m a master gardener. I’m not. It’s probably more accurate to say that I read this on Wikipedia…

Do you really need a coach?

Business coaching is a great way to accelerate past predictable challenges you may not be able to see. It's also a fantastic way to get the accountability you need to help drive a culture of execution.