Search Results for ai

New Courses Are Available

Having worked with hundreds of teams building and marketing new products, there are patterns of mistakes I see all the time. The crazy thing is that every one of these mistakes is completely avoidable – without a PhD or ten…

Using Gutenberg Daily

Using Gutenberg Daily

We’re deep into this Gutenberg phase of WordPress. It’s hard to believe it’s been three years since its introduction. It’s come a long way and I know – I’ve been using Gutenberg daily on this blog. Here are the five…

Most Employees Are Waiting

Most Employees Are Waiting

When employees were asked if they could answer positively that they felt like their job provided them a regular opportunity to work from their strengths (and passions), only 2 out of 10 could agree. Twenty percent. The other eighty percent…

Retaining Your Top Talent


It’s Crazy Out There It’s never been harder to hire talented staff right now. Every person I know who is looking for work is finding work. And often multiple offers. Even crazier is that they’re getting offers that are incredible…

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising with WordPress

Peer-to-Peer Fundraising with WordPress

What is Peer-to-Peer Fundraising? You’ve heard of crowdfunding, right? So what is peer-to-peer fundraising? It’s like that but on steroids. In other words, Peer-to-Peer fundraising is a type of crowdfunding fundraising that lets tons of people create their own campaigns…

Explain everything you know!

Watch this video. It’s less than 5 minutes long. What was your response? Ok, I’m not talking about how expensive all that gear was. Think about the video you just watched another way. Answer this question. Would you rather: Hire him…

Managing Courses on a Subdomain

Managing Courses on a Subdomain

The other day I got a question that I’m pretty sure every LMS plugin or platform provider has gotten. “Should I run my courses on a subdomain?” But there was a twist to the version of the question I got.…

Day 249 of Daily Blogging

Day 249 of Daily Blogging

Can You Believe It’s Day 249? On December 31 of 2020 I decided to start hitting the blue “Publish” button again. It’s not like I hadn’t blogged at all in 2020. But I had written 28 posts in the whole…