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Doing Sales Sequences Right

Doing Sales Sequences Right

It won’t surprise you that I woke up today with emails in my inbox from some company whose form I filled out a few days ago. It likely won’t surprise you either that in that same inbox were emails from…

Comparing Online Learning SaaS Products

Comparing Online Learning SaaS Products

Later this month I’ll be talking about all the choices you have when it comes to online courses. In that talk, I’ll show you why you might want to use a WordPress plugin (like LearnDash), or when you might consider…

The Anti-Pitch

the anti-pitch

“Dad, you’re crazy.” My daughter is a high school senior and interested in more than one boy. One appeared today and they had a chat. Tonight at dinner I asked if she was going to text him and maybe set…

Great Introductions

The Art of a Great Introduction The other day I wrote a tweet about generosity. A way to be generous without spending a penny. It was all about networking and great introductions. Why are Introductions So Critical? When you introduce…

Selling Your Online Course

selling your online course

Have You Built Your Sales Page Yet? If you are focused on selling your online course one of the final things you have to do before launch is create your sales page. Late last year I discovered a sales page…

When Is It Time to Quit or Move On?

When is it time to quit

First, I’m Not Quitting Sometimes when you blog about something, on your personal blog, people infer that it’s an indirect (or really direct) reflection of what’s going on in life. That may be the case for posts like yesterday’s where…